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●Does Kinako have calories? What is the charm of Kinako made from soybeans?

“Kinako” is used in kuzumochi and fried kinako bread. Kinako mixed with sugar is delicious with its soft sweetness. Kinako is made from soybeans, but have you ever thought about the nutrients in kinako? I don't think much about it because I rarely use it for meat, fish, vegetables, etc. This time, we would like to introduce the calories and sugars of Kinako!


What is Kinako?

Kinako is a food made by roasting soybeans and then grinding them into powder. It has a rich flavor and nourishment, and it is used as a material for Japanese sweets when it is entangled in rice cake.
The soybean flour is roughly classified into green soybean flour and yellow soybean flour depending on the variety, but generally, kinako refers to yellow soybean flour. If the kinako is left as it is, it tastes like beans. Mix with sugar for sweetness.

Kinako's calories and sugar

calorie protein Lipid Carbohydrate Sugar
Kinako/100g 450 36.7 25.7 28.5 10.4
Kinako/7g(1tablespoon) 31.5 2.6 1.8 2.0 0.7

You can see that a tablespoon of Kinako has an unexpectedly high calorie of 31.5 kcal. However, because the soybeans are roasted soybean powder, the soybean nutrients are contained in the kinako powder!

Kinako Mochiyaki Kinako Ohagi calories and sugar

calorie protein Lipid Carbohydrate Sugar
Kinako Mochi/1piece 162 4.5 2.0 31.2 29.9
Fried kinako bread/1 460 13.8 12.5 74.1 70.3
Fluffy Master Kinako Mochi / 1 piece 69 0.9 4.1 7.0 -

If you compare the calories of foods made with Kinako, you can see that there is a big difference. However, since many foods that use kinako, such as kinako mochi and kinako fried bread, are sprinkled with kinako around, the calories and sugars of kinako and fried bread are more important than the calories and sugars of kinako. Will be. Even if it is sprinkled a lot, it is about 1 tablespoon.

Is Kinako high in calories?

Looking at the calories of Kinako, it is 450 calories per 100 g, which is high in calories. Looking only at these numbers, I don't think I'll eat easily during a diet. However, you don't eat 100g of Kinako at once. I think that you can sprinkle around the ingredients or dissolve one spoonful of milk like food made from kinako. So, high-calorie ingredients! It doesn't mean that.

A good rule of thumb is 1-2 tablespoons a day.

The recommended daily intake of kinako is about 1 to 2 tablespoons. Since soybeans are the raw material for kinako, soy isoflavone, which is a pleasant ingredient for women, is included in kinako. Soy isoflavone is recommended to be ingested 40 to 50 mg per day. A tablespoon of kinako powder contains about 16 mg of soy isoflavone, so if you take 2 tablespoons, it will be 32 mg. Soy isoflavones are also found in tofu and fried foods, so the remaining 8 mg will be supplemented with other foods!

A nice effect on a diet of Kinako!

Kinako has high calories, but since soybeans are roasted whole and made into powder, nutrients are tightly packed! They also have a diet effect, so let me introduce them♪

Diet effect of Kinako 1: Constipation is improved

Kinako is rich in dietary fiber. It is one of the top class soy products such as tofu and fried tofu and contains fiber!

If you have constipation while you are on a diet, it will take longer to stay in your intestines. In fact, stool contains calories, and if it stays in the intestines for a long time, it will absorb calories from the stool! Constipation becomes a great enemy during a diet because the calories that were not absorbed if the stool was excreted normally are wasted. Let's take dietary fiber from Kinako and eliminate or prevent constipation ♪

Diet effect of kinako 2: You can eat high quality protein

Kinako is rich in high-quality proteins. The amount is 36.7g per 100g, and 1 tablespoon can take 2.6g! Proteins are essential nutrients for the cells that make up the body. Although meat, fish, beans, and dairy products contain protein, many people lack protein due to uneven diet.

The protein contained in kinako is "vegetable protein", and the protein contained in meat, fish and dairy products is "animal protein". I think that many people take animal protein, but in fact, it has been known that it can feed bad bacteria in the intestine. There is a high possibility that it will worsen the intestinal environment! Vegetable protein is recommended because you can ingest it without affecting the intestinal environment!

Dietary effect of Kinako 3: Suppress fat accumulation

Kinako contains an ingredient called "soy saponin". Soybean saponin has the property of sticking easily to sugar, so it prevents sugar in the body from sticking to fatty acids and accumulating as fat. Soybean saponin also secretes adiponectin, which promotes fat burning, so it also supports fat burning.

I learned more about the calories in Kinako.

Western confectionery has become the mainstream in modern times, and fewer people eat Japanese confectionery that uses kinako. In proportion to that, more and more people are not eating kinako. However, as I introduced this time, Kinako is a nutritious ingredient filled with soy nutrients. Also, it is attractive that the recommended daily intake is as small as 1-2 tablespoons ♪ Let's take Kinako actively and get close to a healthy body!


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